England was set up in 1920 in Northern Ireland County in southern Ireland, and in 1921-1922, allow out of its rule, the establishment of an independent country. 英国于1920年设立北爱兰郡,并于1921年至1922年允许爱尔兰南部脱离其统治,成立独立国家。
The only sensible answer is that no one really knows, because the outcome would be the result of protracted negotiations between the putatively independent country and its international partners, particularly the EU and the continuing government of the UK. 唯一理智的回答是,其实谁也不知道,因为答案将取决于这个假设已经独立的苏格兰与其国际伙伴(尤其是欧盟和失去苏格兰后的英国政府)之间的长期谈判。
The Vatican was compelled, to establish an independent country, within the boundary of Italy. 教廷被迫在梵蒂冈成为意大利境内的一个独立国家。
If people vote yes in September, then Scotland will become an independent country. 如果人民在九月的投票中选择yes,那么苏格兰讲成为独立的国家,这没有回头路。
President Barack Obama says the presence of Russian forces in the Crimean peninsula violates Ukraine's rights as an independent country. 巴拉克奥巴马总统表示,俄方军队出现在克里米亚半岛上,这是对乌克兰作为一个独立国家的权利侵犯。
Next Thursday voters north of the border will be asked whether Scotland should be an independent country. 下周四,苏格兰选民将就苏格兰是否应独立进行投票。
Eight weeks before a referendum on whether Scotland should break away from Britain and become an independent country, the yes and no camps have stepped up their campaigning& not just down at the grass roots, but among the stars. 距离苏格兰全民公投是否脱离英国成为独立国家还有八个星期,双方阵营已经开始了宣传攻势&不仅面向草根阶层,也在明星中展开。
Scotland has prospered as part of a United Kingdom and could prosper as an independent country. 苏格兰作为英国的一部分实现了繁荣,作为一个独立国家也可实现繁荣。
Still others decided to go with a semantic response, taking advantage of Beijing's insistence that Taiwan is part of China rather than an independent country. 但也有一些网民决定利用北京坚持称台湾是中国的一部分而非一个独立国家的说法,与李开复在语义上较较真。
Pakistan came into existence as an independent country after the war. 巴基斯坦在战后就以一个独立的国家存在了。
We believe that eventually Afghanistan will be a peaceful, stable and independent country enjoying development and progress and living in harmony with its neighbors. 我们认为,阿富汗人民最终一定会实现和平稳定、独立自主、发展进步和睦邻友善的目标。
This is21 century and Bhutan is a recognised independent country. 这是21世纪,并且不丹是一个公认的独立的国家。
Whether China becomes an independent country or is reduced to a colony will be determined not by the retention or loss of the big cities in the first stage but by the extent to which the whole nation exerts itself in the second. 中国将变为独立国,还是沦为殖民地,不决定于第一阶段大城市之是否丧失,而决定于第二阶段全民族努力的程度。
The newly independent country was soon recognized by a lot of other nations. 【那个新近独立的国家很快就被许多国家承认了。】
After many years at a number of cities in the exhibition, the Liberty Bell returned to Philadelphia, an independent country at the park visitor Happo meet quietly. 在经历了多年在多个城市展览后,自由钟又回到了费城,在国家独立公园内静静地迎接八方来客。
But in an independent country, the inner freedom deserves our ceaseless pursuit. 而在一个独立自主的国家,内在自由值得我们每个人为之不懈追求。
It is an independent country resisting the idea of admitting blacks to a share in its control. 它是一个独立国家,不让黑人参加政府的管理工作。
In modern times the Chinese nation suffered from bullying to stand up, semi-colonial China has become a truly independent country. 近代以来饱受欺凌的中华民族从此站立起来了,半殖民地的中国变成了一个真正独立自主的国家。
More than two hundred years ago the United States broke away from the British Empire and became an independent country. 两百多年以前,美国从大英帝国脱离成为一个独立的国家。
At first the language in Britain and America was the same.in1776 America became an independent country. 起初英国英语和美国英语一样。1776年美国独立。
Should Scotland be an independent country or not? 苏格兰该不该独立?
Most nations recognized the newly independent country. 大多数国家都承认了这个新成立的国家。
Vatican city is an independent country in itself. 梵蒂冈市单独成为一个独立的国家。
The smallest republic in the world; the oldest independent country in Europe; located in the Apennines and completely surrounded by Italy. 世界上最小的共和国;欧洲最古老的独立国家;位于亚平宁山脉,完全被意大利环抱。
Because China is an independent country. 就是因为中国是独立自主的国家。
How could I not know that Ireland was an independent country? 我怎么能不知道,爱尔兰是一个独立的国家吗?
Just like the long march for China rise from a semicolony upto a modern independent country. 就像中国的崛起是从一个半殖民到一个独立的现代化国家这一个漫长的过程一样!
Kosovo seceded two years ago and is recognized by70 nations as an independent country. 科索沃是在两年前脱离塞尔维亚,它现在被70个国家承认为一个独立的国家。
Once a part of the Soviet union, Turkmenistan became an independent country with the Soviet breakup in1991. 土库曼曾是苏联的一部份,随著一九九一年苏联解体而成为独立国家。